Revista BrJAC

Volume: 11
Issue: 44

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Brazilian Meeting on Analytical Chemistry: Twenty Editions of High-Level Analytical Chemistry

Prof. Dr. Érico M. M. Flores
Full Professor, Federal University of Santa Maria, RS, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Márcia F. Mesko
Full professor, Federal University of Pelotas, RS, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Renato Zanella
Full Professor, Federal University of Santa Maria, RS, Brazil

“… as guest editors of this special BrJAC issue, we are glad to see many exciting new articles by researchers showing that the ENQA is a powerful meeting for changing and following new trends in the field and opening another door for spreading research results at a high level.” read more


Professor Carla Bottoli, an enthusiastic scientific researcher, kindly spoke to BrJAC

Prof. Dr. Carla B. G. Bottoli
Associate Professor at the Institute of Chemistry, University of Campinas, SP, Brazil

“What I say to young researchers is that a master's and doctoral education makes a difference in anyone's professional (and personal) life. Brazil needs qualified people, and we have many spaces to act. However, if they do not have job opportunities here in Brazil, look for opportunities outside of Brazil, but do not stop following your dreams of building a scientific career.” read more

Point of View

Expanding Collaborations with Brazilian Scientists

Prof. Dr. Ralph E. Sturgeon
Emeritus Research Officer, Metrology Research Centre, National Research Council, Canada

“One aspect, always underscored, but by no means unique to analytical chemistry, has been the benefits arising from collaborations. Much of modern science has, by necessity, become multidisciplinary in efforts to tackle ever more complex issues, requiring unique (and often expensive) facilities frequently unavailable in a single laboratory, as well as expertise spanning multiple disciplines to ensure success.” read more


From Afar and From the Inside: About the Importance of Ethics in the Global World of Science

Ewa Bulska
Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry and Director of Biological and Chemical Research Centre at the University of Warsaw, Poland

“From afar, that is, from my homeland, Poland, perhaps showing to some extent the point of view of a European; from the inside, that is, by being a regular visitor in Brazil and having many personal contacts with Brazilian analysts.” read more


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