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About Us
The Brazilian Journal of Analytical Chemistry (BrJAC) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal intended for professionals and institutions acting mainly in all branches of Analytical Chemistry and Bioanalytics. It is a quarterly, open access, international journal with immediate online publication of the manuscripts approved after peer review.
BrJAC is indexed in Clarivate Analytics ESCI with JIF2023 1.1 and JCI2023 0.23, in SCOPUS with CiteScore2023 1.6 and CiteScoreTracker2024 2.0, in Google Scholar with h-index 12, and in the CAplus Core Journal Coverage List. BrJAC is in the Qualis B3 stratum for the period 2017/2020.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.30744/brjac.2179-3425
Abbreviated title: Braz. J. Anal. Chem.
Acronym: BrJAC
Brief history of BrJAC
Ethics and Integrity Politics
The BrJAC is dedicated to the diffusion of significant and original knowledge in all branches of Analytical Chemistry and Bioanalytics, and it is addressed to professionals involved in science, technology, and innovation projects at universities, research centers and in industry.
In addition to publishing scientific articles, reviews and technical notes, the goal of the BrJAC is also to discuss trends and needs in Analytical Chemistry through opinion editorials, points of view, letters, and interviews with renowned senior investigators.
Brief history of the BrJAC
The BrJAC is the first Brazilian scientific journal dedicated to all branches of Analytical Chemistry. It was launched on June 18, 2010 to fulfill the idealistic purpose of a group of researchers to achieve actual academic-industrial integration towards innovation and technical-scientific development. The composition of the BrJAC Editorial Board, which brings together professionals in the Analytical Chemistry field who work in academia, private companies and public institutions, reflects the search for academic-industrial integration. Since 2010, the BrJAC has presented an upward trend in scientific quality and worldwide visibility.
In 2019, the BrJAC created the "Young Talent in Analytical Chemistry Award" to recognize young outstanding researchers in Analytical Chemistry and Bioanalytics. The choice of the researcher to be awarded was made by a committee designated by the Editor-in-Chief of the BrJAC.
This award will be offered annually at events held in Brazil related to analytical chemistry, such as the National Meeting of Analytical Chemistry (ENQA) and the Analitica Latin America Congress, which take place on alternate years. The award consists of a merit recognition diploma and a registration voucher for the national event subsequent to the award.
Ethics and Integrity Politics
The BrJAC adopts good practices, integrity and ethical conduct in the publication of original and unpublished scientific articles, reviews and technical notes. Based on the Core Practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the BrJAC strives to combat misconducts such as: unethical research, manipulation, fabrication, the omission of data, falsification, including image manipulation, plagiarism, selective reporting, redundant publication, inappropriate authorship, gift and ghost authorship, publications without consent, the omission of authors, and undeclared conflicts of interest.
Misconduct will be treated according to the COPE's recommendations (https://publicationethics.org/) and the Council of Science Editors White Paper on Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications (https://www.councilscienceeditors.org/).
Whenever necessary, the BrJAC will publish erratum, amendments, clarifications, expressions of concern, retractions and apologies, in accordance with the COPE Code of Conduct.
Editorial Office
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Website: www.brjac.com.br
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